Saturday, 13 November 2010


sometimes I worry about what I will post. sometimes things seem too mundane, or the photo isnt good enough, or its too long ago, or no one reads it anyway. sometimes then I dont post for months. then I remember, and I am sad because I haven't kept a record, for myself, not for any other reason but to look back on and smile. and I promise myself I will do it tomorrow, because i know i am queen of procrastination. sometimes I stop mid sentence and think, 'is that all I have to say?', or 'did I really just say that out loud?'....


Anonymous said...

Great to see you are blogging again. I totally know what you mean in this entry (I haven't blogged for ages either!) and I'll encourage you to just do it, write anything and take photos of your everyday life. Mundanity is interesting per se. I love to read you and look forward to seeing what you are up to. BTW, I like the new look. XXX

Anonymous said...

that was me (anamama) BTW!

sinkingonbrink said...

There is no such word as 'mundane' ..well there is, but that shouldn't stop you blogging, we love to see what you've been up to! Liking the cat pic by the way ( : xxx

sinkingonbrink said...

There's no such word as 'mundane' ..well there is, but that shouldn't stop you blogging, we love to hear what you're up to! Loving the cat pic by the way ( : xxx