Thursday, 10 April 2008

Today, Weirdbunny - my guest blog writer!

(no news on the baby front yet!)

Hello Weirdbunny here.

Thankfully Hannah has let me invade her blog just for today to showcase the wonderful bunny I received from Suzie Sews. Yes I've finished my blog, but I just had to let everyone see the bunny Suzie made me as part of an Easter Swap we did. Thank you Suzie !
Julia x


Locket Pocket said...

Hello "guest blogger" - it's good to see you! We do miss you you know! Lovely bunny from Susie! Lucy x

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Hey I know that bunny!!!

mc said...

Hello Hannah I found my way here via Lucylocket and her bunny swap.I am not much of a blogger but I do enjoy visiting other people's blogs.I am delighted to see this post from Julia Weirdbunny.
Best wishes to you both

Juliann in WA said...

Hi from the states to both of you -I am still hoping Julia will get back to blogging one of these days.

Dana said...

I miss you Julia!

Anonymous said...

i just got so excited that weird bunny might be back. when is that thing going to happen - soon i hope ...