Monday, 21 January 2008

cabinet for threads

Last night I made little shelves for this cabinet, it was originally a photo storage box. I will hang it on the wall, then I can always have my cotton threads to hand (out of reach of smaller hands). I need some more reels of thread now though, to fill it up.


Claudia said...

I love this! It looks like a picture when it´s closed.

Locket Pocket said...

that looks lovely - what a great idea! lucy x

Ali said...

They look fantastic in there! And what a good excuse to buy a few more supplies.

Anonymous said...

So cute!!

weirdbunny said...

Oh Hannah, it looks beautiful as a thread store, much better than a photo box.

anamama said...

you clever thing!

Berber said...

That looks lovely!

Juliann in WA said...

I love this little project.

Felicia said...

What an adorable cabinet for your threads :)

mig bardsley said...

It's so long since I've been here. Love the little cupboard, such a good idea :)
And the tiny patchwork is beautiful!
Oh and April!!! Congratulations! Lots and lots of them :) I hope this doesn't mean we won't see you in July?