Happy birthday to me, today I am 31!
I have tried my hardest to follow the above instruction given on one of my birthday cards (my friends know me well!) For my birthday please let me indulge myself with a blow by blow account of the whole day(or you can just scroll down and look at the pictures!):
I got up, had cake for breakfast, and opened presents from my family. Andrew got me this bracelet

after the school run some of my friends from school took me for coffee and more cake. Then I meandered through town and up the hill home. At home my friend weirdbunny had just arrived, before me, with more cake. we also had chips then for lunch, with mushy pea sandcastles (great british food lol)

I opened some more presents, oh I should have said before, my kids bought me chocolate and flowers and a big chocolate cake (notice a theme???) oh and a kinder egg from Lucie.

I was stunned with this kokeshi doll my sister-in-law Isabel got me as I have been coveting them for ages and she is beautiful. Andrews Mum got me a groovy knitting thing and some wool, I will have to show another time or blogger might explode with all the photos, its cool though.
Weirdbunny bought me some cool stripey mugs, and she also made me this fab felt needle case.

And then, this evening I have been out to a show, my little girl Esmes very first dancing show! My friend Kirsten looked after the baby (thanks kirsten!!) and the rest of us went to the performance. There was some mix-up with the tickets so we ended up on the back row but as it was tiered seating it didn't really matter. It was quite moving seeing her on stage with all the other little girls.

Happy birthday!!
I love that needlebook you got :)
Your daughter looks beautiful!!
Happy 31st to you. It looks like you had an amazing fun day with friends and family. The bracelet is gorgeous and all that cake n choc sound delicious. What could have been more perfect than seeing Esme's in her first show! How blessed you are :)
Hi Hannah,
Happy belated birthday!!! Carry on with the fun throughout the weekend!! :D
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