Monday, 18 December 2006

The gingerbread house.

Amazingly sill intact, but the kids are under the promise that they can eat it when they get home from school tonight!!!

I have switched to blogger Beta now, hope it will be nice to me.


Amy said...

It's lovely! And looks delicious too.

weirdbunny said...

oh Hannah did you make it?!
I've bought the children each a kid from ikea for £1.50 each. I so wish I'd bought one for myself to do.
They are so enchanting ginger bread houses. I once made one for gwenny's birthday party and all the children adored it.
Enjoy eating Julia xxx

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo for you swapping over - hope beta is kind to you!

What a great job you have all done on the gingerbread house - looks very yummy :)

Anonymous said...

Look I'm not in blue anymore - Beta has put my in black and taken the link away.... :(

Lindsey @