Monday, 19 March 2007

want to see my odd sock collection?

Confession time. The odd sock situation in our house has been spiralling out of control, so I bravely decided to tackle the heap of socks that was overflowing its basket and taking over my bathroom floor. I emptied the pile onto my bed to search for pairs.

This took some time.

ok now, how many odd socks can one family have? Well, there weren't many grown-up socks so I took them out, as there wasn't enough space on our (5 foot wide!) bed. After matching 43 pairs of kids socks, all that was left was these few...

132 odd socks!!!!

I have thrown out all the hopeless causes and saved only the few socks I think might have friends lurking under bed edges, in the bottom of the laundry and places like that. I have hidden them in the bottom of this basket, with the pairs rolled together on top.

ssshh, don't tell anyone, this can be our little secret.


African Kelli said...

I'd bet your thrift store would take them happily!

Ali said...

That is truly impressive. And whe life gives you odd socks, make sock monkeys!

Berber said...

Dear me! How many people are there in your family?!

weirdbunny said...

For once in my life I'm speechless .... !!!!!

anamama said...

Oh my... How did you manage? It's a world record!

Raesha D said...

That is hilarious!! They look so beautiful all laid out though:) Thanks for visiting my blog!! Oh yes - make LOTS of sock monkeys:):)