Tuesday, 8 August 2006

giant biscuits!

oh my goodness just look at these!!

I was just browsing some blogs, and on Yarnstorm's blog came across pimp that snack which you must check out,

so, so funny and inspiring. here are a couple more (I like the biscuits best!)


Anastasia said...

Pimp that snack! that is too funny!!
they look great though...u wouldnt want to eat them....

Ali said...

Hysterical - my boys would be SO impressed.

frangelita said...

I really like the look of the oreo. Mmm.

weirdbunny said...

How cool are they!!! Hannah you must have a go. Tell me whan you've made some and I'll be over. I'll have some fox's creams please...

joyce said...

i like the oreo too!!

Frances said...

I've heard of "up-sizing" but that's crazy! Mind you - I'd tackle that oreo on a bad day.

Anonymous said...

I'm hooked. Pimp that snack is so hilarious. The site even has pimp trumps - so funny!