hang on a minute, isnt it still august???? today I went into town, and Woolies (one of our biggish stores) has started getting christmas stuff in!!
whats going on? I havent even finished my holidaying, my kids aren't back at school, the sun is out allbeit with a slight drizzle of rain, how can I possibly be thinking about christmas already? I mean, I like christmas and all that, but theres a time and a place....
anyway, I just stumbled across this so its not just Woolies who are at it. If you want even more christmas, all year round it seems, you can go here.
Im not starting yet though, lets get the summer done with first shall we?
It feels like it comes earlier every year.
I plan to studiously ignore it.
We were roaming Target this morning and luckily there's no Christmas stuff YET. They were putting up Fall colored things though. Plus I stumbled upon some early Halloween stuff. I am a complete sucker for Halloween stuff.
Only saw some christmas stuff in the sale the other day. However the amount of Halloween stuff is every where, and that's a one day thing, which I don't do anyway, so it's going to drive my kids mental all that stuff they can't have. I feel it's going yo be a rubbish time between noew and halloween constantly telling them their not having any of it.
Blimey, summer's hardly started yet! Got the whole of september to go haven't we? And what happened to Autumn?
*Goes away shaking head and grumbling, Christmas indeed!*
Hannah, my wonderful, delicious, yummy parcel arrived today. Thank you so much, my children say thank you and my husband says thank you.
love Jenny
Morrisons are selling wrapping paper and table confetti in the shape of Christmas trees already.
I love Christmas but I would like to enjoy the advent of Autumn and then Halloween before I think about Christmas (..hides RSPCA Christmas catalogue under table whilst typing..)
Take Christmas away. We don't want it yet!!!!!
I'm definitely not ready for Christmas yet! I still have my hopes up for an Indian summer!
I know its so crazy! Its only 71 sleeps until christmas which basically means theres only 8 weeks left of online shopping to guarantee christmas delivery! Ahh!!
Ho Ho Ho!
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