Thursday, 15 June 2006

cardboard box houses

the children have had great fun this week playing in 2 large cardboard boxes from their daddys recent spending spree purchases. (he bought a fold up bike, and a new 'cabinet' for his bass guitar, a huge speaker to you and me.

It amazes me how they can play for so long with simple cardboard boxes, and yet at the same time I can vividly remember doing the same thing as a child myself. Our cardboard boxes used to evolve in their use as they were played with from house to boat, and got more bits cut out or broken off, until they were just pieces of cardboard, that you could slide around the grass on, tapdance on etc.

I enjoy watching the kids getting involved in such timeless games.

I decided I would sign up for the photomarathon in just over a weeks time, can't wait!!


Amy said...

All those curls and rosey cheeks just make my day! My boys and I love a good cardboard box too.

weirdbunny said...

Oh hannah if you love kids and cardboard boxes you need to see the film millons. I have it, so you can borrow it.

Anonymous said...

My boys favorite day of the week is Thursday - the day the Tupperware order is delivered....that means cardboard boxes....and lots of :)

anamama said...

It's great that you are doing the photomarathon!!!!!!!

Lyrically speaking said...

This brings back memories, I used to play in card board boxes with my brother and sister, nice pics

Gina said...

Awwww, they look so cute!!! Those photos will be such a joy to look at in the future. They are adorable.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the movie "Millions", by the director of Trainspotting. A nice and strange movie... With an important cardboard boxes-house in it....