We have finally returned home again, and we have had a lovely time away, but it is nice to be back home too. The missing lead has also found its way home, It was hoping for a better life in Southsea, but has been discovered and sent home (Thankyou Isabel) and was in a parcel along with several other bits we had forgotten, sitting on the doorstep when we arrived back today.
So, I feel like I have been all over since I last posted properly here, where shall I begin??
On Saturday we arrived in Bath, I had booked a place on the Janet Bolton workshop at creative stitches quilting shop. Well, it was a great day, it was a nice small workshop, with about 8 or 9 of us there in all. Janet talked about her work and showed us lots of framed pieces, prints and other examples she had with her, and then we all began our own pieces - mine is still in progress and I will show you it in a few days hopefully completed! It was a lovely sunny day and we had lunch in the little garden there surrounded by the old tall buildings all around, it is right near the centre of town but was very peaceful and quiet. In the afternoon we continued our sewing, and what bliss to be sewing without small children around, and Janet talked with us some more and we finished by showing everyone else what we had done so far.

Of course then I had to go and have a look around the shop at all the lovely fabric there and couldn't resist a small purchase - it looks a lot but I only bought 15cm of each!!!! I really enjoyed the workshop, meeting Janet and seeing her work in real life (wish I had enough money to buy one), it was a brilliant day.

But it didn't end there, I then met up with my dear husband who had been looking after the children for the day. And they had had a great day too, they had been to a theatre production for children called 'the girl who lost her smile' and really enjoyed the show, and then had driven out to a nearby village and had a picnic (I elaborate, it was a pasty and some cakes really) on the green. When I met them back at the car everyone was sleeping!! We had nowhere booked for the night so we knocked on a few doors until we found a Bed-and-Breakfast place with a family room, and the one we found was nice, and reasonably priced too, ideal! Whilst doorknocking we had seen a large park and there were some people just setting out hot air balloons so we hurried back to the park in time to see 5 or 6 set off on their evening flight, and it was a lovely warm still evening. We got really close to the balloons as you can see.

On Sunday after a lovely cooked breakfast we mooched around the town for a few hours, before setting off to our next holiday location down near bridgewater, (more to follow!)
Just as we left Bath I saw a great shop which was unfortunately closed on Sundays, but had these fab Moomin mugs in their window - remember the moomins???

The children must have been so excited to see the hot air balloons so close. How exciting. So glad that you enjoyed the Janet Bolton workshop it must have been fab to meet her and work in such a small group.
I have to say, I'm a little green about your Janet Bolton workshop. I'll just have to happy with my "Patchwork Folk Art" book my mom gave me a few years back. How wonderful to see her work in person! Your vacation sounds like it was great and I am loving all the curly hair your children have. Adorable!
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